
Creation Gulf


Garda Décor Store

The role of lighting in enhancing customer engagement and improving sales is still grossly underrated. Statistics reveal that good lighting can boost sales by as much as 200% and therefore one cannot stress its importance. Good lighting can lull customers into a state of well being influencing their mood to linger, browse and buy more.

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Bab Al Shams Reimagined

People escape to a resort to relax, rejuvenate, and have memorable experiences. A luxury resort has to go the extra mile to impress the guests with exceptional service and surroundings.

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Lights On at City Social!

When Team Creation is called in to supply fixtures, one would think it’s just as simple as drawing up a shopping list in tandem with the designer. In reality, the process is a much more involved one. It includes many stakeholders, such as the interior designer, and the contractor all of whom are focused on helping the lighting designer achieve his design intent.

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